Wind Drake's Cool Website



Hey, Neocities! I still think it's cool how I have my own little space on here. This past week, I was house sitting, and had lots of time to do almost nothing. I did start on a project that I think is going to take me a looooong time. The worst part is that I have to go somewhere to work on it. I've been having a fun time, though! I have to keep it a secret for now.

I've been playing this game called Moonstone Island. I don't typically enjoy life-sim games because the openendedness causes me distress. I like this one, though, because it has very specific goals I can work toward. I also made chicken bellagio and had it several times for dinner. I got sick of it by the end, haha. There are only a few weeks left until I graduate, and I'm starting to wonder what to do with all of the time I'll be getting. I'll probably start working on my games again. I guess we'll have to wait and find out! Toodles!
